Singing Guide: Frank Loesser

Singing Guide: Frank Loesser

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Frank Loesser, the renowned musical lyricist, and composer are known for his unique vocal style that combines his acting and singing capabilities. His songs require vocal agility, range, and accuracy to express the story behind them. If you want to polish your singing skills and voice to like him, here's how:

  1. Analyze Your Voice: Before emulating Frank Loesser's vocal style, it is essential to understand your singing style and range. Singing Carrots provides vocal range test that matches your voice with famous singers.
  2. Focus on Breath Control: Loesser's singing style is incredibly emotional and requires proper breath control or breath support. Learn breathing basics and breath support techniques to sing Loesser's emotional songs with finesse.
  3. Work on Your Voice Register: Frank Loesser's songs have a wide range, which requires excellent voice control. Improve your voice control by learning voice registers.
  4. Warm-up Your Voice: Before singing Loesser's songs, it is essential to warm up properly. Singing Carrots offers pitch training and Farinelli Breathing.
  5. Learn How to Sing in Chest Voice Register: Chest voice register is a crucial element of Loesser's style. Improve your chest voice by studying chest voice singing.
  6. Sing with Emotion and Authenticity: Loesser's artistry lies in his ability to emote through his song. Learn how to add energy and emotion by singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking and Articulation.
  7. Explore Loesser's Repertoire: Loesser's songs require a range, agility, and pitch accuracy to express the story behind them. Practice some of his most notable songs, such as "Luck Be a Lady," "The Lady's in Love with You," and "On a Slow Boat to China," to improve your style.

By following these tips and using the resources available on Singing Carrots, you'll start singing like Frank Loesser in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.